The Regulator of the National Lottery analyses and studies detailed data available from retail sales, online sales, prizes, funds for good causes and the size and distribution of the retail network. 

High level metrics for each year of the Licence are below. They show the steady growth in National Lottery sales and returns to good causes over the period.

Sales, Prizes Won, and Good Causes Contribution

Year Sales Prizes Won Good Causes
2015 €670.4m €381.1m (56.8%) €188.0m (28.0%)
2016 €750.2m €422.0m (56.3%) €213.3m (28.4%)
2017 €800.2m €452.0m (56.5%) €226.3m (28.3%)
2018 €805.0m €453.6m (56.3%) €228.5m (28.4%)
2019 €884.5m €497.5m (56.2%) €251.6m (28.4%)
2020 €918.9m €528.9m (57.6%) €253.6m (27.6%)
2021 €1053.7m €585.9m (55.6%) €304.0m (28.9%)
2022 €884.1m €484.9m (54.8%) €259.9m (29.4%)

Source: Premier Lotteries Ireland (DAC) audited accounts

Size of Retail Network since Licence Commenced

Year Number of retail agents at year end
2014 2700
2015 4000
2016 5290
2017 5663
2018 5767
2019 5691
2020 5415
2021 5326
2022 5225

Source: Premier Lotteries Ireland (DAC) audited accounts

Retail and Online Sales as a Proportion of Total Sales

Year Retail as % total sales Online as % total sales
2016 94.6% 5.4%
2017 93.5% 6.5%
2018 92.3% 7.7%
2019 90.9% 9.1%
2020 85.2% 14.8%
2021 83.4% 16.6%
2022 84.0% 16.0%

Source: Premier Lotteries Ireland (DAC) audited accounts

Good Causes Funds Earned

Year Good Causes Funds Earned Annually
2014 €178.0m
2015 €188.0m
2016 €213.3m
2017 €226.3m
2018 €228.5m
2019 €251.6m
2020 €253.6m
2021 €304.0m
2022 €259.5m

Source: Premier Lotteries Ireland (DAC) audited accounts

Prizes Won and Good Causes Contribution as % Sales

Year Prizes Won Good Causes
2015 56.8% 28.0%
2016 56.3% 28.4%
2017 56.5% 28.3%
2018 56.3% 28.4%
2019 56.2% 28.4%
2020 57.6% 27.6%
2021 55.6% 28.9%
2022 54.8% 29.4%

Source: Premier Lotteries Ireland (DAC) audited accounts